Today, during worship, I didn't stand and sing like I usually do. I walked in after worship had already started, found a seat, and just sat in it. I checked my Facebook (because I hadn't in like 30 minutes ya know) and then drank some water... then I just closed my eyes and started talking to Jesus.
Jesus rather quickly told me to just be quiet. So I did.
I was sitting there with my eyes closed, trying to be quiet...which is hard...because I like to talk and I don't particularly enjoy silence - especially in my mind. There's always something going on up there... I'm usually thinking about at least one thing (ok, let's be real...more like three things) and singing a song of some sort...planning out the next thing I will look up on Google.
But I did my best not to speak... ahem, think... and after a few moments of silence I began to see this picture. I saw a hand, a left hand to be exact, and it was holding the tiniest little dot of light between the thumb and forefinger. Before I could even wonder what this was...God began to speak to me about my creation. He began telling me about how, during my creation, He considered many things. He thought about how I would be, what I would look like, how tall I would be, the color of my hair and eyes....
Then I did speak ask Him something... something I have asked Him on many occasions... usually while I am sobbing and my heart feels broken - but today I asked Him out of curiosity - not from a place of pain or blame - but just because I want to know "Why did you make me? Knowing all that would happen to me, why did you still make me?"
He said "I made you because I saw your beauty, and I couldn't leave you as your were. I considered the cost. I weighed the cost of your pain, what it would cost me, and I decided that it was worth it."
There was a sudden flash me. I asked Him "Cost you??? It cost me!!"
He quickly answered me "Your suffering is not only a cost to you. I have paid a high price, because I have suffered with you. I suffer greatly when children are hurt. In the moment that I held your light in my hand, I knew everything that would happen to you, I knew what I would suffer for you, and I decided that you were worth it. It was worth it all to have a relationship with you, to have you look at me with love. I didn't just see those things, I also saw the choices you could make, I saw I saw your journey...I saw what you could become."
Let me stop here and say that I have struggled in the past with feeling worthless...I believed growing up that I was a mistake, an accident, a pariah - unwanted and unloved. I'm not being dramatic here, just really stinkin vulnerable.
Now, it's been a while since I felt worthless. The more I have learned to see myself the way God sees me - the less those thoughts and feelings have plagued me. But God knows...He sees when there's even a speck of that old lie still floating around inside.
This entire encounter was something that I frequently pray for the ones I was an encounter with The Living God, Creator of the universe that left me so profoundly aware of His great love for me that I am changed.
God did not just throw me together, put His breath in my lungs and then go on about His way. He carefully considered the cost - both of the evil things that would be done to me, and the evil things that I would do - He was intentional and thoughtful. He looked at the timeline of my life...looked at the roads that would be available for me to take (or not take) and in the end He chose to create me because it was worth it, I was worth it. He looked forward to the possibility of a relationship with me and saw it as a beautiful thing. He looked at me and saw beauty...not a stain.
I understand that some will read this and think it's crazy...although they probably won't get this far. That's ok... this was a deeply personal experience between God and myself. It's actually a bit difficult to share because - with something that means so much to's hard to make it vulnerable to others. But, once again, God has asked me to share this part of it. The rest is just between me and Him for now.
But here's the one thing you have to remember... This conversation could have been between God...and you. Because you are this valuable to Him...He considered you just as deeply and decided you were worth it. He looked forward to a relationship with you.
Every person on this earth is that valuable to Him...
I guess I will share this one last thing... if you've read this far...
you can share this one other thing with me...
after all our talking, when I was feeling so loved and valuable and wonderful...God told me
"I weighed the cost with them too" (referring to the ones who are responsible for all the suffering I mentioned earlier) when He said that I started crying all over again.
He said "I saw it all, I saw what they could become...I saw the cost of the suffering I would endure for them...and I decided that they were worth it."
I'm crying now even as I write this. I've shared about my struggles with forgiveness... and I was praying about that very thing just last night.
God used this whole thing to show me how much He values me...but also how much He values them. No one is worthless to God. If they were worthless, if they were incapable of having value to God - He wouldn't have created them.
This is a hard place to end this... but I don't have a whole lot more to say on this subject right now. If you read all the way to the end...I'll say thank you because I know this was long and probably a bit choppy... I hope that it encourages you in some way...
It has changed me.
It still is changing me.
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